I was winding down the evening and chatting in IM with Crazy Mo when my inbox announced I had mail. Looked down at the subject header and froze.
You're a finalist in the Heart to Heart Contest!! This was the
SFRWA contest I entered in early June or so. See, I had mistook the dates and thought they would announce finalists in September and besides, what are the chances that I would final in the first two contests I enter? Nah...I'll get my feedback and go on, which was my intention in the first place.
When I saw that I finaled, I shakily opened my email and learned that I was one of three finalists. They needed me to email them my entry and it would go to Wanda Ottewell at
Harlequin Books for judging and final placing. All I could do was start shaking and I IM'd Mo and said Omigod! a couple of times. I finally spit it out. She told me congrats and to polish and submit it then. God, you gotta love her pointblankedness.
I couldn't sleep last night. I was sooooooooooo excited and frankly, in shock. When I began entering contests, I chose contests that would give me feedback. Placing is a nice reward and one would be awesome, but...I'm still speechless, despite the lengthiness of my post.
I guess it means I am meant to write and gives me a reason to continue. Wish me luck!