Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday Tales...The Art of Contests

Contests, contests, contests everywhere!

One thing an unpublished writer might do is enter contests. There are literally tons of contests out there and the big question is…which one?

Generally, I try to enter the ones with the most pages for the bucks. Another consideration is how the contest fits my manuscript. Finally, I look at the editor, agent, or whoever is going to be the final judge.

Lately I’ve found some contests with rules that are confusing. It’s not clear how the manuscript should be formatted, or how they want the synopsis done…
In the end, these contests lose me. 

Of course, for every contest I don’t enter, another one pops up. Luckily I’m not bent on entering every single one or as many as I can. I just want feedback.

On a side note, my writing is suffering a little. Haven’t written too much in the past few days and I’m still hung up on the final chapter. I’ll get it done…but I won’t meet my January 31 deadline.

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Monday, January 15, 2007


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Hey, I just realized I hadn't updated my blog since Dec 30th. Me bad.

Been busy lately it seems. Writing, reading and just all around busy busy. I got results back from two contests lately and no finals. One even was critical of my writing. That was a downer for me. :(
I had to make a decision on my part -- did I want to continue full steam ahead or put it all on the back burner?

I decided to hone my craft. I know my goal is to submit, but am I ready, or do I have a piece of crap? I could just submit and get my Pro status, but is that fair to the editor if it really isn't the best work? I don't know. I will have to think about it...

Planning on taking a paranormal class next month. It sounds like a good class for me, since I have one or two paranormal-type stories in my head.


I will try and update this blog again in a few days.