Monday, June 25, 2007

Popping in and looking for good vibes...

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I know I really should post more than once a month. LOL.

Okay, most of my blog life is spent here:

But why can't I um...pop in here? My only excuse is I forget easily. A first sign of old age. ;-)

I do have some semi-news to report. I finished edits on A Purrfect Love and on June 17th I sent a query to The Wild Rose Press. A big step for me. Whew!
Then it got really exciting when...less than 24 hours later...I got the request for the full!

Yay! Wow!

I immediately sent it off and now it sits in the hands of the editor. Please sprinkle some good luck fairy dust on me.

In the meantime, I'm working on edits for my story for the Brava Novella contest. I'm 20 pages from the end, but right now this is the part I'm slightly changing. My goal is to finish it before the end of the month. Then let it rest and start up again to read it through.

Yeah, the sad state of writing for me is the time spent on editing.

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