Well, this month I started writing a new story and so far it's been sort of a slow but steady progress. Work has been hell, busier than normal, so when I get home at night, I've been fairly tired.
After starting this on August 8th, I now have...:drumroll: 44 pages! Not too shabby when the most I wrote was the first 11 pages. :D I also have a title: Reconstructing Cady. I've laced it with some humor and sexy dialogue. I'm having fun with the story.
Over the weekend I also whipped up a synopsis, but since I'm a pantser, I suspect that synopsis will change a little along the way.
Unfortunately, the reviewer in me has to dig down and work on her September reviews or I won't get them done on time. I'm one of those who has to get her deadline stuff done on time or I feel guilty.
My minimum goal this week is to write twenty more pages.