Okay, so yesterday in my opinion, was the start of autumn with the change in clocks. After the nice sunny weather I woke up to, it later rained for a couple of hours-hard-before the sun came out again.
Ah, yes, the ever changing weather.
But, enough of weather. I finally got copy edits today. I figure that while everyone else will be watching election returns Tuesday night, I'll be at the computer reading my story for the umpteenth time.
The joys of writing...you read the same thing over and over and over....
No wonder some authors say that once they see the last of their manuscript they push it out of their mind. :)
Right now I have some ideas percolating in my head. I think the cooler weather tends to do that to me. Sort of like wanting to read when Winter sets in because you can't do things outside.
Happy Reading and Writing everyone!