Why do people think it’s cool to be crass? I’m talking about the yelling, get in your face and think it is smart type of person. I come across these every so often. Usually they’re annoyed about something and want to right the wrong they imagine someone has done them. Of course, they start talking out loud and soon it becomes “oh, yeah, I’m going to tell them a thing or two!”
Recently at a meeting, someone got annoyed with another person. She told her friends she was going to show him a few things and where to go. She indeed do all this. Her friends whooped it up and cheered her on. I felt sorry for the poor guy to have to put up with the embarrassment and the lady’s umm…crass behavior. She could have asked him to resolve the issue or better yet, thought of her own solution, but nooooooo….her response was to be CRASS. Get in his face and let it all hang out. I’m more of the avoid a confrontation type person and the lady’s behavior angered me. But her friends shouldn’t have cheered her on. One should have calmly told her to resolve it without rancor.
Next time you hear someone bitching about somebody and inform everyone they’re going to get back at that person, step in and remind them how childish it is to act that way. Life is about compromises and goodwill toward others.
What does this have to do with writing? Remember that what goes around, comes around. That person you just dissed could be a potential editor or agent.
I really try to avoid confrontations. I hate fighting.
I'm not a brassy big mouth either. I just cringe when I hear that in public. But if I'm truly done wrong, I don't let it slide. A calm, direct, no-nonsense tone works so much better.
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