I finished OBSESSION, my Blaze targeted story. Yes, I know there's already one by that name, but who said if I sell that'll remain the title? How many authors (unless your name is Nora Roberts) get to keep their original title?
The good news is that I came in right on target pretty much where I wanted it to. I also started this baby of mine mid-June and it took me a little longer than the other two to finish (and is shorter) but with the break I took to head to Nationals (and then some) it's not surprising. I have the synopsis done and halfway done with edits. My critique partner is knee-deep in her own edits so hasn't gotten the latest back to me.
For something fun I'd like to complete a short story. Maybe 25,000 words or so and try to sell it to a ebook publisher. I have something in mind already. I want to write something quirky and flirty. :)
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