Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Paranormal Romance Anyone?

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I've finally decided to make the next step and pen a paranormal romance. Yeah, maybe I'm one step behind the hot wave, but at least with my idea I can say that I don't recall actually seeing it in a book. Or, at least my version. Not giving it away, but shall see how I do at creating the 'new world' that will have to be part of it.

Another thing that I'm doing is using the Goal, Motivation and Conflict model. My hero and heroine each have their set of GMC and it ends up with them at odds with each other. In previous stories I've written, I've softened the conflict between the couple until there is one big, black moment. This time, the tension will stretch out. He has something she wants and he won't let her take it.

I'll probably target ebook publisher with this one and won't have to worry about a certain set word count. Although do need to look at publisher guidelines. Sexy or not? That is the question....

Time for me to dig up some ghosts....
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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Saturday Downtime

I'm three quarters way through the Thanksgiving weekend. Finished up formattig OBSESSION, but other than that, not working on writing this weekend. Been busy working hard on reviews for Romance Reviews Today.
Well...somewhat busy with that. LOL
Today I cleaned carpets and did this and that. I told Mo tonight I will probably to writing full time by January. The time off is good, considering what I've done the past six months or so.


Entered DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART into contests.

Went to Atlanta for the RWA conference.

Finished up OBSESSION early October.

Immediately started edits on DGBMH

Finished that end of Oct and immediately started editing OBSESSION, and then formatted it.

My next big goal is :::gulp:: doing queries, including the query letter. I've had some suggestions on where to submit.

I'll probably drive myself insane when I do...
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Sunday, November 19, 2006


Wow, I just realized it had been since November 11th since I posted?????????
Time flies!

Good news though. I finished the edits on OBSESSION. I changed the ending and think it works better. It also ties up a couple of things that went on during the story.

I'm happy with the changes. :)
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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday Night Reflections

So here I sit, winding down for the night. I have a book I should be reading for review...will probably do that in a few minutes, but I thought I'd write a blog post. Where have I gone? Why aren't I posting as much?
Well...the answer can be found here.

I've become a blog mistress. I think I need a whip...
Yes, it's keeping me busy and explains why my own blog has been neglected. But I've settled down into a routine that means I spend less time on it. Which is good...means I can get back to writing. I've been editing OBSESSION the past few days. Or, rather, the second half of the manuscript. It's been going good. Finding less errors (I think) and the plot is moving along nicely. I will soon get into the dramatic black moment and then even more dark moment when my heroine is confronted by a man. That was my first foray into a suspenseful moment. I hope it works.

On a side note related to OBSESSION...the first results from the contest I entered Chapter One of it will coming in sometime in the next week or two. Will be curious to see the feedback, since it was a rather sexy chapter. :)

On closing, I wanted to share my latest find. Found this guy tonight and he just screams "hero" to me.
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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sunday Saluations

Good news! Finished editing finally DGBMY! It ends at 350 pages and nearly 82,000 words. Sort of a short single title. Somebody out there has to be interested. Right?

My next project is to start back to editing OBSESSION. I lost track where I left off but I'll probably start with Chapter 9. That is halfway through. I need to get it done fairly quickly, whether I get help from my critique partnter or not. At least I would then have a workable product to send off if I get a request.

This coming Thursday I begin a four day weekend. Yeah! My mini vacation. My only plan is to get my nails done. Other than that, I'm free as a bird. :)
Oh, yeah...I do have reviews to do. The neverending reviews. LOL
But I like reviewing for Romance Reviews Today. Highly entertaining and the boss is a sweetie. But..shh..that's a secret.
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