My next project is to start back to editing OBSESSION. I lost track where I left off but I'll probably start with Chapter 9. That is halfway through. I need to get it done fairly quickly, whether I get help from my critique partnter or not. At least I would then have a workable product to send off if I get a request.
This coming Thursday I begin a four day weekend. Yeah! My mini vacation. My only plan is to get my nails done. Other than that, I'm free as a bird. :)
Oh, yeah...I do have reviews to do. The neverending reviews. LOL
But I like reviewing for Romance Reviews Today. Highly entertaining and the boss is a sweetie. But..shh..that's a secret.
Hey Patti,
Great looking blog you have here! :)
Congrats on finishing your editing!
Hope you have a relaxing weekend!
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