Saturday, December 30, 2006

Back Story

One of the enlightening things I’ve learned in the past few months is that you don’t want to bog down your story with too much back story. Okay, you want your readers to know what happened, but what’s the point of telling them this right off the bat??? Weave it into the natural flow of the story.

Sometimes that is better said than done. I’m one of the worst offenders in that. I will start penning a story and before I know it, I’m telling too much back story. Argggghhh!!! Bad me. I usually then end up tossing it out and it ends up cutting out part of my first chapter.

But the good thing is that it makes me a better writer in that I learn from my mistakes. Right now I’m working on a story that I keep tossing out back story, but then I have to tell myself…STOP! LOL!

Ah, just another day in the life of writing ;-)

By the way....


My goal is to submit for 2007. Big step, but I'm ready.
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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I promise a post related to writing in the few days! I have a topic I have on the back burner. I'm currently working on a Christmas themed story that I'm aiming for the short story market i.e epublishers.

In the meantime...

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A final!!!!!!!

Late last night, just before I was heading to bed, I got email that I finaled in the Beacon Unpublished contest. My erotic entry is being sent to Raelene Gorlinsky of Ellora's Cave for final judging.


Thank you First Coast Romance Writers!!!!!!!!!

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingOkay, I told myself this blog wasn't going to be a quiz place, but I saw this and had to share....

***For the twelve days of Christmas, your true love will send you:***

Twelve babies drumming
Eleven snowmen a-melting
Ten gymnasts a-leaping
Nine ladies yodeling
Eight llamas a-milking
Seven gingerbread men a-crumbling
Six kittens a-meowing
Five golden toe rings
Four calling booty calls
Three French fries
Two stale fruit cakes
And a owl in a pine tree

What Will You Get for the 12 Days of Christmas?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What American Accent do you have?

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

The Midland
The Northeast
North Central
The South
The West
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Sunday, December 10, 2006


I got my contest results back on the revised Don't Go Breaking My Heart. Lousy. I did lousy. In fact, one judge said my writing sucked. Eh......this is the same entry that has finaled in two contests. I know contests are subjective, but I would think the judge could've found something positive to say.

Yeah, it hurts, but I guess like submitting, you'll always have some who will love your work and others who'll hate it and I need to learn to live with the rejections.

But it's still hard to swallow.

On Friday, I did start typing out a Christmas themed short story. I know where it is headed, just not sure the path it will go.
You know how it goes with a panster. :-)So far I've done 2185 words. I am hoping to be done by Christmas. Not sure where'll I go with this. May not go anywhere, but I do want to finish it. It's a big step to finish any story you start. How many writers are there out there that have never finished a story in their life? People would be surprised at the answer.

Anyway, it's me marching onward with my writing. Gotta pick up the pieces and crank out the words.

Happpy Holidays!Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Monday, December 04, 2006

A title and Researching

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI finally came up with a tentative title for my paranormal yesterday afternoon while working on researching my story.


It clicked as I thought about the time of they year I was setting it in and the fact that the heroine comes from the stars. I also decided to name her Niesha. Pretty and otherwoldly name. :)

One thing that has me tied in circles is the amount of research one needs to do to plot a paranmoral. Okay, a lot of it is make believe, but you have to be somewhat realistic, or you'll lose the reader. I spent several hours online yesterday checking out certain things I need to get going on my story. I have a half sort of plot going. (This is the one where I use GMC as my guide) My goal is to start writing around Christmas since I have five days off. Well, four if you disregard Christmas Day and all the festivities. I plan on staying home and writing. No running around and scouring sales.

My other little thing I need to do is decide on length. Oh, and where am I targeting this.

I hope to have all this done by Christmas. That is in...hmm...20 days????

Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Not much happening..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Not really anything going on here writing wise. Since I finished up editing, I've been busy working on reviews. Now that is pretty much caught up and I've been goofing off. LOL

Tomorrow is Sunday and I may work on plotting my upcoming story some. I have the Goal, Motivation, and Conflict, but what are their names? Other things I need to work out before I can write my first word.

Oh, yeah...and I need a title. :-D I used to tease Morgan over her obsessive need to have a title before she could even write a word. Well, I'm feeling the same way.

***I need a title***

Maybe I'll post a blurb and have readers come up with a possible suggestion on titles.

Stay tuned...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting