Yeah, it hurts, but I guess like submitting, you'll always have some who will love your work and others who'll hate it and I need to learn to live with the rejections.
But it's still hard to swallow.
On Friday, I did start typing out a Christmas themed short story. I know where it is headed, just not sure the path it will go.
You know how it goes with a panster. :-)So far I've done 2185 words. I am hoping to be done by Christmas. Not sure where'll I go with this. May not go anywhere, but I do want to finish it. It's a big step to finish any story you start. How many writers are there out there that have never finished a story in their life? People would be surprised at the answer.
Anyway, it's me marching onward with my writing. Gotta pick up the pieces and crank out the words.
Happpy Holidays!
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