Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday Night Reflections

So here I sit, winding down for the night. I have a book I should be reading for review...will probably do that in a few minutes, but I thought I'd write a blog post. Where have I gone? Why aren't I posting as much?
Well...the answer can be found here.

I've become a blog mistress. I think I need a whip...
Yes, it's keeping me busy and explains why my own blog has been neglected. But I've settled down into a routine that means I spend less time on it. Which is good...means I can get back to writing. I've been editing OBSESSION the past few days. Or, rather, the second half of the manuscript. It's been going good. Finding less errors (I think) and the plot is moving along nicely. I will soon get into the dramatic black moment and then even more dark moment when my heroine is confronted by a man. That was my first foray into a suspenseful moment. I hope it works.

On a side note related to OBSESSION...the first results from the contest I entered Chapter One of it will coming in sometime in the next week or two. Will be curious to see the feedback, since it was a rather sexy chapter. :)

On closing, I wanted to share my latest find. Found this guy tonight and he just screams "hero" to me.
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