Saturday, December 02, 2006

Not much happening..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Not really anything going on here writing wise. Since I finished up editing, I've been busy working on reviews. Now that is pretty much caught up and I've been goofing off. LOL

Tomorrow is Sunday and I may work on plotting my upcoming story some. I have the Goal, Motivation, and Conflict, but what are their names? Other things I need to work out before I can write my first word.

Oh, yeah...and I need a title. :-D I used to tease Morgan over her obsessive need to have a title before she could even write a word. Well, I'm feeling the same way.

***I need a title***

Maybe I'll post a blurb and have readers come up with a possible suggestion on titles.

Stay tuned...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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