Saturday, August 19, 2006

More news...

I got back the results from the third and final writing contest I entered. I didn't final, but I guess my numbers weren't too bad. Out of a possible 140 points, from the four judges I got 140, 129, 88, and 80. One really loved it and another really didn't care for it. I guess I can say it's all in one's opinion. Of course, there are comments, etc., that I will take a look at once I finish this current one that I'm writing.

On a good note, I wrote 2,000 words yesterday on my current wip. That is quite a bit. I will probably take out a part of that because it's inconsequential to my story. One of the hazards to being a pantser. :-) I've more or less made the decision that once I polish up DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART, I may query a ebook publisher unless I get nibbles from HQ. Hey, it's my first completed manuscript and I console myself with the knowledge that most published authors did NOT get published on their first completed manuscript. DGBMH is going to be a hard sell to print publishers, but I think it's a good story.

There are lessons to be learned from that first one. Lessons that could provide the way to writing that first published book.

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