Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday Mega Closure

Here it's Monday, my final day of my short vacation. Weather was crisp this morning as it was in the 30's, but the sun came out and was nice. Got the car washed after I had lunch. As for writing things...well...I did meet my goal of getting 100 pages edited of DGBMH and have 225 more pages to go. Will probably work on that tomorrow night.
In the meantime, today I read and completed three short story reviews for RRT. Well, actually the erotic side. Still have a few more to read and tomorrow I go back to work. I also worked on the contest entries I'm judging. Really, it isn't that hard to do. At least, I hope I'm doing it right. lol I entered a writing contest for what-the-heck reasons. It's the revised first chapter of DGBMH.

In the meantime, I picked up LOVE, LUST AND PIXIE DUST by LuAnn McLane to read. So far it's good. Love the cover!

I'm thinking about my next writing project. Really, I need to get my butt in gear and start outlining it.

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