Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Sundown

It's Sunday and winding down. I've been working a little on my current WIP. Reached the 77% completion mark. Yeah! Now about to get to the black moment. I had to think why the heroine would be there. (No, not saying where is)

You know, I've heard a few things in the past couple of days about "just write and worry about the editing later." That is true, I suppose, but sometimes I write something and realize that what I had written two chapters earlier doesn't fit now. So.....back I go to rewrite the older scene. But keeping on writing seems to be the best way to write. Last year, I participated in RWA Online's KIA challenge. It was write till you drop marathon that lasted most of October. It was fun and got DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART mostly written. I'm seriously challenged now to join in again this year. The most pages I wrote during a week was 52, but man, if I keep that up during the whole month, I could be close to 200 pages! And I was working full time during most of it.

The closest I ever came to that was this past June when I started out on OBSESSION and as you can tell, I'm still plodding along on it. I stopped mid-July due to RWA and it took until August 4th or so to get back to it.

What was the most pages you've ever cranked out?

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